As January comes to an end, we look enthusiastically towards the opportunities 2025 can bring our clients.
In the excitement and hubbub of creative content planning, however, it can be easy to forget the basics.
And one of those basics is remembering that magazines, both print and online, often publish lists of forward features for the year ahead. Tapping into these lists and forming relationships with relevant media publishers can be one way to help get clients seen and heard by the right audience.
What are forward features?
Forward features are a list of themes or article topics that a publication is planning to include in each edition. Often, the editor or publisher will scope these out to ensure a good mix of topics, knowledge and expertise is included throughout the year.
Topics can be as broad as sustainability or health and safety or be as specific as a particular event, date or milestone.
TIP: The majority of B2B and trade magazines use forward features, and often have their forward features lists available to share towards the end of the previous year.
So how can you take advantage of forward feature lists?
Calling in forward features lists from relevant media means you can see upcoming topics across the year and can identify those that align with your client’s objectives, expertise and subject knowledge.
Once you’ve got a list of titles and topics that establishes a broad spectrum of coverage across a range of relevant publications and audiences, you can start initiating conversations with the appropriate media outlets.
TIP: It’s worth finding out if the Editor/Features Editor is looking for expert quotes for the respective features you’ve identified, if they’d prefer to interview your client for the article, or if they are happy to give you a brief to submit an advisory piece that would be by-lined by your client. You might even want to consider an advertorial and/or editorial campaign package.
Once you have feedback, content can be planned, created or repurposed in advance and tailored to the publication’s audience. It’ll then form part of your content marketing strategy.
Preparing for forward features does take some initial work – some don’t advertise them and will need to be contacted directly. Other publications have their forward features listed clearly on their website while others have them in their media packs. Here are a few examples to help get you started. Facilities Management Journal (FMJ)’s forward features list can be found here, while click here for the forward features list from Property Week. Construction News’ list is here.
It is, however, all worth it to ensure your client’s expertise and knowledge is seen in the right place by the right audience.
We can help you forward plan
Here, at Macbeth Lankester, we have been looking at forward features to help our clients plan and create content for the year.
We can help you plan forward features, create content and a whole lot more to help you meet, and exceed, your marketing goals.
Get in touch today.